Hand powered dredge
Hand powered dredge

When it comes to Commons & Rares – it’s simple, all of them are allowed. However, their real cost is usually much lower, because players tend to own a lot of Commons / Rares used in them already. Overall, builds should be roughly within the 1-2k Arcane Dust range (Dust cost listed next to decks below isn’t always accurate, since it might include Legendaries that were given away for free). We’re trying our best to keep the budget decks as cheap as possible while making them as strong as we can. No matter if you want to do Daily Quests for another class, test a deck before crafting a full version or just play around with different options, they should be a good option for new and F2P players alike. So once they commit to crafting some cards, if they want to switch to another class – tough luck! That’s why we think that those budget decks can come really handy. F2P players should easily be able to build one or two full meta decks per expansion, but the issue is that they can’t play whatever they want. While things have gotten much better for new and F2p players, it’s hard to deny that the game is still quite expensive. during expansion releases, events and from outside of the game (e.g. We’re also commonly getting other free stuff like packs, Legendaries etc. The new free Core Set, as well as the current rewards system, are both pretty generous (at least by the old Hearthstone Standard).

hand powered dredge

The game is in a better state than it was a while ago. You CAN hit Legend with some of them, but you would really need to master them and play very well, and by that time you most likely will have enough resources to build a full version anyway.

hand powered dredge

We don’t recommend those decks in Diamond or to attempt a Legend climb, unless you replace some of the budget cards and turn them into actual meta decks. Some of the stronger builds should be viable throughout Gold and possibly even Platinum if you master them. This is unfortunate, so we’ve gone ahead and created some budget decks that should serve you well if you are in the Bronze or Silver divisions. There are a ton of Legendaries released, and if you are unlucky you may have not received much in the way of playable cards. One of the big complaints about Hearthstone is the price to pay (to play) when you first start.

Hand powered dredge